
Line Protec


Modern animal husbandry of high performance needs much more than just mycotoxin adsorption.
PROTEC technology arises from the modern concepts of POLIMODAL DETOXIFICATION.
A modern, updated and technological line of natural products as a strategy to protect the animal body and to mitigate the detrimental effects of mycotoxins are the essence of PROTEC.


•    To boost cell regeneration
•    To support the revitalization of essential organs
•    To reduce oxidative stress
•    To deactivate mycotoxins
•    To abduct and excrete mycotoxins


Selective internal adsorption to combat Aflatoxins

Natural bio-protection based on yeasts and their constituents

Safe key to control Fusarium toxins

Holistic internal adsorption: detoxification

Holistic internal adsorption: bio-protection

For further information about the technologies, please, contact a TECTRON professional.